Planting a Dream: The Beginnings of Our Regenerative Journey.

on September 16, 2023
It all started with a family dream. My wife and I, grinding away in the city, daydreamed about having our own chill spot surrounded by nature. We wanted to grow our own food, have some fruit trees, plant some greenery, and just vibe out in the countryside.

So, in the early 2000s, we snagged this worn-out piece of land in La Cordillera del Bálsamo. First thing? We planted a bunch of native trees and let the land do its healing thing.

A few years down the line, we got this cozy little country house nearby. Fixed it up, thinking it'd be our future nature-surrounded pad.

When our son graduated, he was all like, "I wanna work the land." So we started with veggies and then dabbled in coffee, not really knowing what we were diving into.

At first, we went the usual route, but we quickly got the memo about the whole regenerative farming thing – better for the earth and everyone on it.

That's how La Prudencia came to life, all about sustainability and good living. We've been working together as a family, looking after this dreamy ecosystem we'd imagined years ago.

It's been a wild ride of learning and growing. We've still got a ways to go. But seeing life come back to the land and soaking up all this nature? Pure joy. We'll keep growing this family dream and serving up cups of pure goodness.